
Friday, October 21, 2011

The Fall? That Was Nothing.

I've been sitting down almost every morning/afternoon/evening for at least three days trying to figure out what to write. So if this post is kind of a jumbled mess, it's okay. Because really, my whole brain is a jumbled mess that sometimes only I (and Tanner too, he gets me) understands. I really have a super strange head. Because sometimes I think something, and it makes perfect sense to me, and then I voice it and people are like "Whaat...?" or "How did you figure that out?" or something. I've been called really observant, but I don't try to be. Like honestly. I dunno where this is going. See, this is proof. I have a really jumbled, complex, and confusing mind, but it generally makes a lot of sense to me. Maybe that's why I love such ugly and unlovable things. Because that's what's normal to my brain. That's what makes sense to me.
Anyway, I've just been thinking a whole lot of stuff. Like I was just cuddling my baby kitty. And I was thinking, when we got her last year (She's a year old. I know. What the heck. She used to be scared of everything and now she acts like she's the queen of the whole house and the backyard. Kidding, she's an inside cat.) I didn't want her at all. We already had our Sophie, a collie, and we didn't need another animal. What was the point? I was never really a cat person as a kid, maybe partly because we never had cats. Our friends and cousins had cats, but I was always the little girl who didn't want to hold them because they kind of had an evil glint in their eyes, so I usually just chased them around instead. I liked dogs. My first dog, a blue healer named Girl. I am totally not kidding at all. My parents couldn't think of a name fast enough so she just started coming to "C'mere, girl." and it kind of turned into, "C'mere, Girl." So she was named after a gender. It's sort of really embarrassing, but hey, at least it's memorable. I loved that dog. She was my best friend. She followed me and my sisters everywhere we went. We taught her how to pick raspberries off of our grandma's bushes by herself. She drank Mountain Dew out of the caps of the bottles. She cuddled on beds. And she never bit any one of us once. She was super protective though, and once this stray dog came to our house and she wouldn't let it near us. She loved to herd our horses, and we have a barbed wire fence, so both of her ears had big slits in them from the fence. She was perfect for our family, and had a quiet but distinct personality. I always thought of her as quite sarcastic, like when we got Sophie as a puppy, Girl taught Sophie to go in the road because she didn't really like her that much. Luckily, that little lesson didn't stick. Girly was super smart. Towards the end (I cried so hard the day she had to be put down. One of the only times I'd seen my dad in tears, even Sophie was crying.) she ran into doors and whenever the phone rang she hid in the closet. Looking back, that's kind of funny, but I never put it past her because I love her so gosh darn much.

My Sophie girl I love just as much though, even though I didn't grow up with her from the beginning. I never refer to her as my baby, because she's not. She's my buddy. She's my puppy that goes everywhere with me and does everything with me. Oh, you're going for a bike ride? I'll come too. Oh, you're going for a car ride down to Mimi's? I think I'll run there. Four wheeler? Oh, hey, I get to run. Maybe an adventure in the woods? I'll protect you from bears. She's so loyal and friendly and loving. She is my buddy. It shocks me so much when people say that she's mean. She doesn't like my cousin little Tanner, nor my cousins Brendon and Aaron. And she's finally getting used to Lauren's boy Hunter. But they say she's mean. I'm like. What..? Sophie could never be mean. She loves my Tanner with all her heart. I think it's because last summer when suddenly my dad wasn't there, Tanner was around a lot. And although Tanner isn't a replacement or anything, Sophie loves him. He opens the car door to come here and "Sophieee!" and she runs to smother him with kisses. Funny story, when we first got Sophie, I was afraid of her little puppy sharp teeth. I was around seven when we got her, and I didn't want to play with her because my father had a tendency to play rough with dogs  (like how puppies play with each other) and I didn't want to get bit accidentally. Thinking about it, it's really strange, I must've been a weird child. But thinking even further about it, even when I'm playing rough with my kitty now, I always cover my hands. With a sweatshirt sleeve, a blanket, anything. That's really weird. I dunno why. Anyway, I would always cover my hands with these big thick HUGE winter gloves when my dad started playing with Sophie. So now Sophie has a tendency to a.) always steal gloves, and b.) if she sees you're covering your hands, it's her automatic sign: Oh. They want to play. She has her quirks, but she's the sweetest pup ever.

Anyway, I was never a cat person as a young child. I never wanted a cat. And then on the way home from the people we got Merc from's house, Mercy Roo wouldn't sit in Lauren's lap. Lauren was the one that begged and pleaded with our mom to get Mercy. So everyone decided hey, let's just throw her back at Scarlett and maybe she'll calm down. I was like um, a cat in a car? No thanks. But they handed her to me anyway. And she fell asleep. She FELL ASLEEP. The cat I never wanted fell asleep in my lap and wouldn't in anyone else's. So I kind of started warming up to her, even though for the first few days I wouldn't admit it. She clawed me a few times in a desperate attempt to get to the basement after meeting Sophie for the first time. We kept her in the basement at night. Until she figured out how to open the door. She figured that out in the middle of the night, and she promptly came to my bed loft. And scared the crap right out of me. So I put her back in the basement, convinced that I hadn't shut the door. Then it happened two more times, so I did what anyone would do. I woke up everyone else shrieking that the cat knew how to open the door. So she slept with me that night. She's a crazy little cat, and sometimes she does stuff that makes me go "What. The. Heck. You are a cat, not a human." Like when she's climbs on the piano to hear the noise. Or when she follows moths around the house, talking to them. (Which makes me convinced she's trying to speak English.) Or when she climbs in my lap when I'm singing along to music. Or when she purposefully knocks all my stuff off of counters just so she can lay down. And I'm not kidding. Oh, there's a notebook here? Crash. A book that's folded over to not loose a place? Knock that over too. CD's? Shouldn't be here, knock. Mercy climbs in my BBQ chip bags, avoids the camera at all costs, sleeps on my chin, with the dog, or on the back of the chair, teases the guinea pig by pretending to kiss him then swatting him, and turns the faucet on and off to get a drink of water. But no matter how strange she completely is. I'm glad we ended up getting her.

Yeah, so I guess the inner meaning of what this whole post about my loving and adoring pets is? Sometimes things happen that you don't really like. But then they turn into cute loving kitties that you couldn't imagine not having.
Also, my nose is really cold.
I love these new blogs and tumblrs I found:
I still adore, but is pretty good too.
I also continue to love and visit every day the .
And I find so be interesting too.
I'm sorry that half of these are Harry Potter related. Actually, I'm not sorry because I was just thinking today about how bad I cried when I saw the burning Quidditch field in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 2. Bawling.
I was also thinking today about how there's only one character in Harry Potter that I see no justification for, no reason why he turned out that way, and not even a tad like for. Petter Pettigrew. He sickens and disgusts me. I can't even... UGH. I mean honestly, if you see any reason as to why he completely betrayed in the worst sense, all of his once best friends, and almost killed a child, please comment and tell me. Because I see no justification for him. Like, at all.
I'm probably super boring you all. So I'll leave now. With one last thing? Sure---
Love lives on through anything and everything, and pure love withstands all.
Also, the future will be great. I mean, not just the oh, great that nowadays lingo gives the word "great." I mean what the word is really supposed to mean. When you think of something that makes you awestruck. Like mountains, or valleys, or true love, or clouds, or the magic of breathing. I mean just think about the word great. I mean really THINK about it. Well that's what the future holds for me.

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