
Thursday, October 13, 2011

Elixir of Life

Know what I shake my head the most to? When people say they don't want or need love.
I'm sorry, honey. But you do.
If you think you're a mess now, you would be shocked at how truly ugly you would be without love.
Now I'm going to continue, but bear in mind that this is to no specific anyone. Lately I've just been seeing it a lot on my facebook, my dashboard, and sometimes tumblr too. And frankly, I'm sick of it. I have enough tact to not write on these people's statuses and pictures and all their crap with my rantings. But I feel like it's just something that's really important that they're overlooking.
I've seen a lot of people (especially on facebook) saying (especially after break ups, although not always) how they don't need love. I don't need you, I don't need your love, I don't need any love, I'm strong enough on my own, I'm strong and tough. I don't want you, I don't want your love, I don't want any love, I'm strong enough without you, I'm strong enough to be my own hero, I'm strong enough to let go of love, I can take care of myself, I'm strong. Love has never done me any good. Love has given me scars. Love screws me over.
I'm sorry, but you must have a wretched perspective on love.
Because the love I KNOW to be true and real, does not screw people over. It does everyone good and no wrong. PURE, REAL love takes care of you, makes you strong, and if it leaves scars, it doesn't matter, because real love is worth it. I don't know what kind of "love" you're experiencing, but if you seem to think it's "screwing you over", I'm pretty sure that's not love. Love listens without interrupting. It speaks without accusing. It gives without sparing. It prays without ceasing. It answers without arguing. It shares with pretending. It enjoys without complaint. It trusts without wavering. Love forgives without punishing. And it promises without forgetting.
Love doesn't change. But the idea of it does. People seem to think that love can be said without given. That it's less than what it is. People don't seem to understand the amazing thing that love is. The fact that it's not tamable, it's everywhere; the fact that it's all around us even if we can't see it. People seem to think that you can just take love back.
It actually really hurts, scares, and maddens me when people say they don't want or need love. God is love. You don't need or want God? Doesn't that make you think of how much that hurts him? Makes him wince, because it's a blow. But you know what? He'll take you back anyway. Because that's love. Love is grace, and compassion and sympathy and forgiveness and true beauty and commitment and sacrifice and helpfulness. And love is not caring that you have to sacrifice some things, love doesn't mind that you're committing everything, because it's love. Love is so entirely pure. It's so pure its almost unfathomable. Love is worth the risk, worth the cause, worth the hurt, worth the tears, worth the fight. Fight the good fight. The good fight is love. No matter what.
And the fact that some of these people say they don't need the purest thing on Earth. Is pitiful. You saying that doesn't make me think that you're strong or tough or wise. It makes me think that you are sad. And powerless. And completely pitiful. Like Frodo thought of Gollum. (My geekiness is coming out even in this...) And I truly do not believe that you can live without love.
I'm so glad that I have pure love like this.


  1. This is beautiful. And thought provoking. I think a lot of people will tell themselves they don't need love after a breakup simply as a way of making themselves feel better. They probably don't mean it any more than they meant the "love" they once had for the other person. The sentiment fades. And I think we're all at least a little hopelessly romantic underneath :)

    I like your blog title, too. "Elixir of life"... It has a ring to it.

  2. I know. I see what you mean. And I'm not even just talking about break ups. I mean when people say they don't need anyone, no matter what, because love is a screw up and their too tough for that. Personally I don't see anything tougher than love.
    And thank you.

  3. Like this post very much. You make me smile.
