
Monday, October 31, 2011

My Little Mushroom

I don't know why more people aren't completely ecstatic about Halloween. I mean, I don't see any blog posts on Halloween night, barely any facebook photos, and only a few I-had-an-epic-Halloween-statuses. And I really hope that's only because everyone's having too much fun to post. Halloween is so underrated. It's sincerely one of my favorite holidays ever. It's not "of the devil" and it's not bad in any way, and it certainly doesn't mean anyone's in denial for dressing up as someone you're not. I hate when people say at a certain age you're too old for Halloween and to go trick or treating. You are NEVER too old to dress up and go trick or treating. NEVER. Ever, ever, ever.
There is really nothing  wrong with Halloween whatsoever, especially if you're doing it for the right reasons. I think I have an obsession with Halloween because ever since us three girls were born, our Mother and our Grandmother would make us completely wicked awesome costumes. One year I was a pig (a year during those chubby toddler years) and I was absolutely adorable, my Mimi made the costume. One year I was Buzz Lightyear. One year I was a butterfly, and my mom made legit wings for me and glued sparkles on them, and my Mimi made the body outfit. I will surely do this kind of awesomeness for my future kids.
This year me and Lauren made our costumes, with only a little hands on help from our Mimi! Lauren was a garden gnome, and I was a red and white polka dotted mushroom! Last night I actually made my mushroom top, and Lauren put together her outfit and made her beard.
My mushroom top! A sombrero, bubble wrap, cloth, and a glue gun with masking tape.

Lauren before the beard. And Hunter, who was a very classic (and lace edged) ghost.

Michelle was adorable in her little Audrey Hepburn costume! Her pose was so cute.

Brad was a sniper, and he did his makeup in a few seconds. He could almost be a girl.

My Tanner was Big Bird! He was soooo cute and it was so him. And then my little mushroomness.

And afterwards we went to my Mimi's and had our favorite chili and sweets.
 We also had a major candy exchange. It was the bomb and I got lots of Reese's, while my Tanner got his favorite Fun Dips.
It was the best Halloween.
So Happy Halloween!

Sunday, October 30, 2011


Here's a lesson I found that I'm doing for our bible study tomorrow. I thought I'd share because I don't think most people see this as an issue when they're just thinking. And they should. It's deep, be prepared. I take absolutely NO credit at all.

"I was meeting with my counselor recently and somewhere in the course of our time together we were discussing some issue in my life and I asked him, "Is it normal for people to---" and he immediately interrupted me. And he says, "Is it normal for who?" And I said, "Well, is it normal for people to---" and he interrupts me again. And he says, "Wait, wait, we're not here to talk about other people, are we? We're here to talk about you and who you are and what the next right thing is for you to do. So the better question is: is it normal for you?"
Why do you think we so often worry about what everyone else is doing, saying, or thinking?
Should it matter to us what's "normal" for everyone else?

In the ancient Near East your name was more than just words. Name was identity. Your name was reflective of your character, your substance, I mean the very fiber that made you, you. Your name told who you are.
What is your name?
Have you ever thought of your name as a reflection of who you are?

We each have this unique path, a calling, a life that God has given us; and Jesus invites us to be our true selves and yet we get sidetracked, we get distracted, we get hung up on how we're different from her or we aren't like him and we end up asking the wrong questions.

Do you have the sense of unique path in your life?
If so, what is it?
Are there ways in which you tend to get distracted from "your path" because of what others do, say, or think?

After breakfast, Jesus said to Simon Peter, "Simon, son of John, do you love me more than these?" "Yes, Master, you know I love you." Jesus said, "Feed my lambs." He then asked a second time, "Simon, son of John, do you love me?" "Yes, Master, you know I love you." Jesus said, "Shepherd my sheep." Peter was upset that he asked for the third time, "Do you love me?" so he answered, "Master, you know everything there is to know. You've got to know that I love you." Jesus said, "Feed my sheep. I'm telling you the very truth now: When you were young you dressed yourself and went wherever you wished, but when you get old you'll have to stretch out your hands while someone else dresses you and takes you where you don't want to go." He said this to hint at the kind of death by which Peter would glorify God. And then commanded Peter, "Follow me." Turning his head, Peter noticed the disciple Jesus loved following right behind. When Peter noticed him, he asked Jesus, "Master, what's going to happen to him?" Jesus said, "If I want him to live until I come again, what's that to you? You---follow me."

You and I have pasts, families we come from, things we've done, mistakes we've made, and where we've been and what we've done has shaped us into who we are today. So we have to embrace our story, our history. You don't have to be proud of it, but you must claim it because it's yours.
What do you think it means for people to claim their own history?
Have you claimed yours?

We have limits. There are all sorts of things we aren't. There are all kinds of people that we aren't. Maybe this is why Jesus says to love your neighbor as yourself. How could I ever love and embrace someone else when I've never come to terms with who I am and then who I'm not?
What are some of your limits?
Are you okay with your limitations or do you still sometimes wish you had the abilities and circumstances of others?

A heart at peace gives life to the body, but envy rots the bones. (Proverbs 14:30)

Some people live their whole lives according to the expectations of others. Whether it's authority figures or family members, it's as if there's this script that has already been written by someone else and all they're essentially doing is just acting it out.
Are there things in your life that you do because it's "expected" of you?
If so, do these things get in the way of you doing what you really feel you should be doing?

There's this moment by the side of the river as the sun rises and Jacob faces this man who has asked him the question, "What is your name?" and Jacob answers him, "I'm Jacob." He's struggled and he's been broken and he's done pretending. He isn't trying to be Esau or anyone else; Jacob has wrestled and overcome. Jacob is ready to be Jacob.
Do you think you could live in a way where you're not comparing yourself to people who have more than you, who look different than you, or who can do things you can't?
Do you think you can ever fully be you if you don't?

*We need to be saved from all the times we haven't been our true selves. All the times we've tried to be someone else. All of the lies we've believed about who God made when God made us. All the times we've asked the wrong questions: What about him? What about her? What about them? And we've missed the voice of Jesus saying, "You, follow me."
What would it look like for you to completely trust Jesus when he says, "You, follow me"?

May you do the hard work of the soul to discover your true self. May you find your unique path, the one God has for you. And in the process, may you find yourself comfortable in your own skin."

I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did! Don't let all those big, long, intimidating paragraphs keep you from finding something amazing.
I love you guys!
I take no credit whatsoever.
Nooma. Rob Bell. Look him up, his Nooma videos are absolutely beautiful. This one's called Name.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Smell My Feet, Give Me Something Good To Eat.

Halloween is coming up and I'm super excited. Me and Lauren are having a Halloween bash at my favorite Mimi's house. She loves to host parties and stuff, and she loves to bake and cook all the time so she immediately said she'd make us chili and pumpkin donuts and help us make caramel apples. There's only going to be six of us, six of the closest people I know (despite our dear Casie Ann, because she goes to college in Indiana, so she can't come up for our party. boo.) which include---Tanner, Michelle, Brad, Hunter, Lauren, and then there's me. I don't think I've ever mentioned Michelle before on here. But she's one of those friends that you just gotta love anyway, despite her sometimes being somewhat crazy. She's sweet. And we went through this really rough patch, where we weren't even friends anymore, and I was slightly frustrated with her. But I'm so glad that we're back to being friends. It's one of those friendships that you must be destined to be friends because despite both of us being stupid (although she had a fairly good reason, with family troubles) we understand why later, and we go back to be friends. She's a cutie.
And you guys, by now, should all know about Brad and Hunter and Lauren and my Tanner. So despite being sad about Casie not being there, I'm super excited! We're going to go trick or treating, and then to my Mimi's house where we're gonna pig out and laugh and have fun.
I won't spoil it and say who's being what! Even though I can barely contain it and just want to spill the beans, I won't! It's a surprise what I decided on, and Tanner only told me (what a sweetie) what costume he bought, and I don't even know what Brad and Hunter are being. (If they don't wear costumes they're being excluded from my picture taking and I'll be very mad at them.) So you guys will have to find out when I post a bijillion pictures of Halloween night!
I'll give a hint about what I'm being. They're on Super Mario. 

Thursday, October 27, 2011

The Thursday That Felt Like a Friday.

I've been asking myself a lot of "Why do I like this? Why, why, why. What, what, what." So maybe this post will clear my head a little, and hey, it might even get you thinking a little.
Why do I love art so much? What's the reason I love to draw, and what does it do later for me?
-Art opens up windows for me, and other people too.
-Without art, the world would be less colorful.
-Art brings happiness into people's lives.
-Art makes people think.
-When there's a viewpoint in a sketch or painting, when there's something interesting to ponder, to draw your eye, sometimes that can change everything.
-Art makes me realize how imperfect people are, how different people are. And that makes me happy.
-Other people's art makes me see their perspective, and my art lets them see mine, and helps me understand my head and my point of view a little more clearly. Cause sometimes even I don't understand.

What do I stand for? What do I believe in?
I stand for love.
-God is love, so more love.
-The love of my life.
-People. And the truth of people.
-Outcasts. The people with one parent. The people who have fought to keep both. The gays. The teenage parents. The ignored. The misunderstood. The ones that are strong enough to make something of themselves despite how they grew up, and sometimes the ones that never could. The rebels. The people that shake things up. The stoners. The party-non stop people. Not the Christians, the Christ-followers (as Lauren says). The people that are bright deep down inside, but who you would never know it unless you found out yourself. The people who are beautiful underneath, but sometimes not always on the surface.
-I stand for books.
-And animal rights.
-And equality.
-Downright ridiculous imagination.
-Weakness. I stand for weakness. Because from weakness sprouts bravery.
-Getting up off your knees, but being able to lower yourself to them too.
-I believe in fighting about who loves who more, and proving it.
-I believe in adoration.
-Beauty and ugliness.
-I stand for friendships.
-I believe in loving enemies.
-I stand for imperfections, and the beauty of different people that vary and vary and vary.
-I stand for a cause worth fighting for.
Lately I'm just drawing, drawing, drawing. And most of the time I'm super proud of them. Hey, maybe that's Aristotle doing his job! I just drew this of me and Tanner love.

And it legitimately looks like us too! Aren't we so cute? Yes, we are completely adorable. Thank you.
It was the first time I ever drew me. It was weird and super difficult.
I was always intimidated by drawing my Tanner, but all of a sudden I was like. Screw it. I'm drawing us. And it turned out splendidly!
Some of the songs that I've been listening to that make my brain click together-
Grenade by Bruno Mars. Come on, those lyrics are genius. And the singer reminds me of my cousin. And I always forget how much I love this song.
(DON'T LAUGH). Much Better by the Jonas Brothers. Now I am not utterly taken with the Jo Bros, but there was a time when I was. But my iTunes was on shuffle and this song was on so I just let it play, and the lyrics came on, "Now I've got some enemies. And they're all friends suddenly. BFF's eternally. But I'm not bitter." And I was like, WHOA. I guess I never got it before, and suddenly I just got it and I loved those lyrics. I was meaning to put them as a post title, but I could never fit it anywhere.
Lions by LIGHTS. I love love love love love love love love loveeee this song. With all my heart. For every single reason. There's not one part of this song I don't love. I mean, every single lyric is so true.

Well, Lauren is bugging me to draw her and Hunter like I did me and myne one and only. So I better get to it.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Monday, October 24, 2011

King Boo

I don't look very flattering in the second one, but it's whatever.
I didn't post anything this weekend because it was so fabulous I never had time. Saturday my boo came over and we painted. I was dumb and didn't take pictures of any of them, but I probably will sometime this week to put them on here for you kiddos. In case I haven't said, Tanner is one of the best and most creative painters I've ever seen. His work is absolutely amazing. Completely his own, I'm quite jealous. Anyway, my mother just got me watercolors and I already have some acrylics, so he was giving me tips (HE SHOWED ME HOW TO PAINT CLOUDS!!!!) and we were just goofing off and just being US and painting together. And then Lauren came home from work and we started making cookies. And I was doing something away from the kitchen, so when I came back, poor Tanner had flour all over his black clothes and all over his face. And Lauren had flour all over her face and her shirt too, and she was saying all Scarlett get the camera we want a picture together of our flour fight! Not gonna lie, I was a little sad I wasn't there to participate. And that wonderful Tanner of mine must've knew, he's good at reading me and stuff like that. He's just good at knowing me. So when I turned around, POOF. I was quite surprised. But very satisfied.

Friday, October 21, 2011

The Fall? That Was Nothing.

I've been sitting down almost every morning/afternoon/evening for at least three days trying to figure out what to write. So if this post is kind of a jumbled mess, it's okay. Because really, my whole brain is a jumbled mess that sometimes only I (and Tanner too, he gets me) understands. I really have a super strange head. Because sometimes I think something, and it makes perfect sense to me, and then I voice it and people are like "Whaat...?" or "How did you figure that out?" or something. I've been called really observant, but I don't try to be. Like honestly. I dunno where this is going. See, this is proof. I have a really jumbled, complex, and confusing mind, but it generally makes a lot of sense to me. Maybe that's why I love such ugly and unlovable things. Because that's what's normal to my brain. That's what makes sense to me.
Anyway, I've just been thinking a whole lot of stuff. Like I was just cuddling my baby kitty. And I was thinking, when we got her last year (She's a year old. I know. What the heck. She used to be scared of everything and now she acts like she's the queen of the whole house and the backyard. Kidding, she's an inside cat.) I didn't want her at all. We already had our Sophie, a collie, and we didn't need another animal. What was the point? I was never really a cat person as a kid, maybe partly because we never had cats. Our friends and cousins had cats, but I was always the little girl who didn't want to hold them because they kind of had an evil glint in their eyes, so I usually just chased them around instead. I liked dogs. My first dog, a blue healer named Girl. I am totally not kidding at all. My parents couldn't think of a name fast enough so she just started coming to "C'mere, girl." and it kind of turned into, "C'mere, Girl." So she was named after a gender. It's sort of really embarrassing, but hey, at least it's memorable. I loved that dog. She was my best friend. She followed me and my sisters everywhere we went. We taught her how to pick raspberries off of our grandma's bushes by herself. She drank Mountain Dew out of the caps of the bottles. She cuddled on beds. And she never bit any one of us once. She was super protective though, and once this stray dog came to our house and she wouldn't let it near us. She loved to herd our horses, and we have a barbed wire fence, so both of her ears had big slits in them from the fence. She was perfect for our family, and had a quiet but distinct personality. I always thought of her as quite sarcastic, like when we got Sophie as a puppy, Girl taught Sophie to go in the road because she didn't really like her that much. Luckily, that little lesson didn't stick. Girly was super smart. Towards the end (I cried so hard the day she had to be put down. One of the only times I'd seen my dad in tears, even Sophie was crying.) she ran into doors and whenever the phone rang she hid in the closet. Looking back, that's kind of funny, but I never put it past her because I love her so gosh darn much.

My Sophie girl I love just as much though, even though I didn't grow up with her from the beginning. I never refer to her as my baby, because she's not. She's my buddy. She's my puppy that goes everywhere with me and does everything with me. Oh, you're going for a bike ride? I'll come too. Oh, you're going for a car ride down to Mimi's? I think I'll run there. Four wheeler? Oh, hey, I get to run. Maybe an adventure in the woods? I'll protect you from bears. She's so loyal and friendly and loving. She is my buddy. It shocks me so much when people say that she's mean. She doesn't like my cousin little Tanner, nor my cousins Brendon and Aaron. And she's finally getting used to Lauren's boy Hunter. But they say she's mean. I'm like. What..? Sophie could never be mean. She loves my Tanner with all her heart. I think it's because last summer when suddenly my dad wasn't there, Tanner was around a lot. And although Tanner isn't a replacement or anything, Sophie loves him. He opens the car door to come here and "Sophieee!" and she runs to smother him with kisses. Funny story, when we first got Sophie, I was afraid of her little puppy sharp teeth. I was around seven when we got her, and I didn't want to play with her because my father had a tendency to play rough with dogs  (like how puppies play with each other) and I didn't want to get bit accidentally. Thinking about it, it's really strange, I must've been a weird child. But thinking even further about it, even when I'm playing rough with my kitty now, I always cover my hands. With a sweatshirt sleeve, a blanket, anything. That's really weird. I dunno why. Anyway, I would always cover my hands with these big thick HUGE winter gloves when my dad started playing with Sophie. So now Sophie has a tendency to a.) always steal gloves, and b.) if she sees you're covering your hands, it's her automatic sign: Oh. They want to play. She has her quirks, but she's the sweetest pup ever.

Anyway, I was never a cat person as a young child. I never wanted a cat. And then on the way home from the people we got Merc from's house, Mercy Roo wouldn't sit in Lauren's lap. Lauren was the one that begged and pleaded with our mom to get Mercy. So everyone decided hey, let's just throw her back at Scarlett and maybe she'll calm down. I was like um, a cat in a car? No thanks. But they handed her to me anyway. And she fell asleep. She FELL ASLEEP. The cat I never wanted fell asleep in my lap and wouldn't in anyone else's. So I kind of started warming up to her, even though for the first few days I wouldn't admit it. She clawed me a few times in a desperate attempt to get to the basement after meeting Sophie for the first time. We kept her in the basement at night. Until she figured out how to open the door. She figured that out in the middle of the night, and she promptly came to my bed loft. And scared the crap right out of me. So I put her back in the basement, convinced that I hadn't shut the door. Then it happened two more times, so I did what anyone would do. I woke up everyone else shrieking that the cat knew how to open the door. So she slept with me that night. She's a crazy little cat, and sometimes she does stuff that makes me go "What. The. Heck. You are a cat, not a human." Like when she's climbs on the piano to hear the noise. Or when she follows moths around the house, talking to them. (Which makes me convinced she's trying to speak English.) Or when she climbs in my lap when I'm singing along to music. Or when she purposefully knocks all my stuff off of counters just so she can lay down. And I'm not kidding. Oh, there's a notebook here? Crash. A book that's folded over to not loose a place? Knock that over too. CD's? Shouldn't be here, knock. Mercy climbs in my BBQ chip bags, avoids the camera at all costs, sleeps on my chin, with the dog, or on the back of the chair, teases the guinea pig by pretending to kiss him then swatting him, and turns the faucet on and off to get a drink of water. But no matter how strange she completely is. I'm glad we ended up getting her.

Yeah, so I guess the inner meaning of what this whole post about my loving and adoring pets is? Sometimes things happen that you don't really like. But then they turn into cute loving kitties that you couldn't imagine not having.
Also, my nose is really cold.
I love these new blogs and tumblrs I found:
I still adore, but is pretty good too.
I also continue to love and visit every day the .
And I find so be interesting too.
I'm sorry that half of these are Harry Potter related. Actually, I'm not sorry because I was just thinking today about how bad I cried when I saw the burning Quidditch field in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 2. Bawling.
I was also thinking today about how there's only one character in Harry Potter that I see no justification for, no reason why he turned out that way, and not even a tad like for. Petter Pettigrew. He sickens and disgusts me. I can't even... UGH. I mean honestly, if you see any reason as to why he completely betrayed in the worst sense, all of his once best friends, and almost killed a child, please comment and tell me. Because I see no justification for him. Like, at all.
I'm probably super boring you all. So I'll leave now. With one last thing? Sure---
Love lives on through anything and everything, and pure love withstands all.
Also, the future will be great. I mean, not just the oh, great that nowadays lingo gives the word "great." I mean what the word is really supposed to mean. When you think of something that makes you awestruck. Like mountains, or valleys, or true love, or clouds, or the magic of breathing. I mean just think about the word great. I mean really THINK about it. Well that's what the future holds for me.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

The Three Broomsticks or The Hog's Head?

Boiling, looking like a potion!

Lauren and I made Butterbeer lattes! I don't like caramel very much, but I have to say these are super good! At first we thought they might be a little disappointing because we think we put the milk in too soon, but it ended up being absolutely fine. I just about burnt my mouth off because I took the first sip (more like whole hearted drink) wayyyy too fast. So now the roof of my mouth is smooth and all weird feeling.
But altogether I really like this drink. Despite it being called a latte, there's no coffee in it. Which is good to me because I don't like coffee. It has a really creamy taste, it's quite creamy on your lips.
Lauren will probably have the recipe over on her blog, put up whenever, if you want to check it out and make it for yourself!
P.S. Notice my famous peacock mug?

Monday, October 17, 2011

Daler * Rowney

I dunno, Mother Earth or some crazy Victorian chick that lives in the woods. Or maybe she lives in a Cirque, and just travels a lot. Or maybe she just naturally (punny) doesn't care. Take your pick or make your own. If you have your own "maybe" about this painting I just finished (after starting at 4. It is now 8.) comment and tell me what your idea about it is. I think it'd be interesting to see other people's interpretations.
P.S. I just got watercolors, mini paint brushes (my favorite), and a palette. My mother knows me well.

Saturday, October 15, 2011


I have found that I love doing family portraits and little kids and babies portraits. It's just... easy to me. And fun.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Elixir of Life

Know what I shake my head the most to? When people say they don't want or need love.
I'm sorry, honey. But you do.
If you think you're a mess now, you would be shocked at how truly ugly you would be without love.
Now I'm going to continue, but bear in mind that this is to no specific anyone. Lately I've just been seeing it a lot on my facebook, my dashboard, and sometimes tumblr too. And frankly, I'm sick of it. I have enough tact to not write on these people's statuses and pictures and all their crap with my rantings. But I feel like it's just something that's really important that they're overlooking.
I've seen a lot of people (especially on facebook) saying (especially after break ups, although not always) how they don't need love. I don't need you, I don't need your love, I don't need any love, I'm strong enough on my own, I'm strong and tough. I don't want you, I don't want your love, I don't want any love, I'm strong enough without you, I'm strong enough to be my own hero, I'm strong enough to let go of love, I can take care of myself, I'm strong. Love has never done me any good. Love has given me scars. Love screws me over.
I'm sorry, but you must have a wretched perspective on love.
Because the love I KNOW to be true and real, does not screw people over. It does everyone good and no wrong. PURE, REAL love takes care of you, makes you strong, and if it leaves scars, it doesn't matter, because real love is worth it. I don't know what kind of "love" you're experiencing, but if you seem to think it's "screwing you over", I'm pretty sure that's not love. Love listens without interrupting. It speaks without accusing. It gives without sparing. It prays without ceasing. It answers without arguing. It shares with pretending. It enjoys without complaint. It trusts without wavering. Love forgives without punishing. And it promises without forgetting.
Love doesn't change. But the idea of it does. People seem to think that love can be said without given. That it's less than what it is. People don't seem to understand the amazing thing that love is. The fact that it's not tamable, it's everywhere; the fact that it's all around us even if we can't see it. People seem to think that you can just take love back.
It actually really hurts, scares, and maddens me when people say they don't want or need love. God is love. You don't need or want God? Doesn't that make you think of how much that hurts him? Makes him wince, because it's a blow. But you know what? He'll take you back anyway. Because that's love. Love is grace, and compassion and sympathy and forgiveness and true beauty and commitment and sacrifice and helpfulness. And love is not caring that you have to sacrifice some things, love doesn't mind that you're committing everything, because it's love. Love is so entirely pure. It's so pure its almost unfathomable. Love is worth the risk, worth the cause, worth the hurt, worth the tears, worth the fight. Fight the good fight. The good fight is love. No matter what.
And the fact that some of these people say they don't need the purest thing on Earth. Is pitiful. You saying that doesn't make me think that you're strong or tough or wise. It makes me think that you are sad. And powerless. And completely pitiful. Like Frodo thought of Gollum. (My geekiness is coming out even in this...) And I truly do not believe that you can live without love.
I'm so glad that I have pure love like this.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

No, It Ain't Easy.

I had no idea what to post today. I've been kind of in a down mood today, for different reasons. The only things that helped was my dear Tanner telling me to take a nap, and some music to hurry up the pace while doing algebra 2. The main song that made me a little more cheerful was Elvis's song Rubbernecking.
But this different song has been stuck in my head all day.
It's from AVPM, A Very Potter Musical. Yes, I'm a fan. Personally I think the sequel is lots more funny, that one's my favorite of the two. But the first one has really good music.
Not Alone.
Click the link, children.
Sometimes I feel like Harry. And sometimes I feel like Ginny.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Mimbulus Mimbletonia

This is Neville Longbottom and I didn't even mean to draw him at all, he just magically kind of appeared on my paper. I am super proud that I did this. You know when you just have this image in your head and when you try and it doesn't come across at all like you wanted and you feel like "ugggghhh"? Yeah. Well this is not how this came about at all. I had no intention of drawing Neville. How I usually draw a face is first the face shape, then the eyes, and then the nose, mouth, eyebrows, so on. As soon as I drew the nose I was like OH MY GOSH IT'S NEVILLE. And then I continued and it turned into this and I was super happy. And the miracle? I didn't erase anything, except to put the plant in there.
I can't even convey to you guys the amount of happiness I'm in right now from creating this.
I'm pretty sure this is a fraction of what God felt when he created the world and said "This is good."


Lately I have been thinking about going in a bathroom with scissors and...
Chopping all my hair off by myself.
I desperately love Emma Watson's short hair. And lately I really miss my short hair. But I want short hair that I don't have to do something too. When I mean short, I don't mean like it is now. My hair comes to about my shoulders, and I dunno, I guess I consider that still short. But I mean like, chop it all off. Again. I did it last summer, if you remember the pictures. But I always did something to it, and looking back I don't really like long bangs with my short hair. So if I were to chop all of it off, it would all be the same length. And the thing is, I really liked my short hair, and I like my long hair, and when I cut all my hair off, I never have trouble growing it out. Firstly, my hair grows pretty fast. Secondly, I just don't mind taking time and waiting for it to get long again. I haven't cut my hair in about a year (yes, I have splendid split ends), and it doesn't even seem like it's been a year to me. I just don't have trouble with waiting for it at all.
And I was also thinking today... It would be so grand to grow old. I was on facebook today (shocker) and I saw that one of my friends friend had died. And I didn't know if I knew him or not, so I was kind of spazzing. So I went to this kid's facebook page. And I'm not even kidding you when I say kid. He had a girlfriend, he'd just graduated from high school, and his last status was from yesterday saying that he was with the people he loved most, his girlfriend and family. (That sounds really stalkerish. It's not like that, I swear.) And everyone was posting on his now neglected facebook page, saying stuff like "R.I.P." and "I'm so glad I knew you dude" and "God just needed one more good person with him" and stuff like that. I never knew this guy. I just knew he was my friends friend from this one city I go to yearly. And even though I didn't know him, I felt really sad about it.
And even though he died at such a young age, he had an impact on at least one person. Because this young guy who I don't even remember what his name was, or what he looked like, made me realize that it really would be a grand thing to grow old. I love my Mimi and Granddad so much.

These are the people I'd like to grow old like. And my Aunt Millie of course, she's the coolest old person ever. But my Mimi always listens to me and gives me some perspective without being in the middle of the situation. She's always baking, cookies and pies and stuff. My Granddad loves to make chili, it's the best. My Granddad is probably one of the most influential guys in my life right now. He's one of those people that doesn't have to say I love you, because you can just see it in his face. He can be extremely moody and stubborn, but he's one of the best people I know. I love my Mimi and Granddad so much. They mean the world to me.
And yes, that baby is me. Am I adorable or what?
Anyway, I think it would be such an amazing gift to grow old like these grandparents did, and still are. I don't think I could mind the wrinkles and grey hair, when I remember that I got the gift of growing old with the person I love most, when some people don't get to.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Cause You're Not Alone, Cause You're Here With Me. And Nothing's Ever Gonna Take Us Down.

This post goes out to all my best friends in the whole entire world. More and more I realize the true value I have in them. The world is pretty scummy sometimes, and sometimes that hides the beauty in it. The more idiot people I meet in this world, the more stupid things that happen, makes me more and more thankful that I have real and genuine people to help me through it and keep laughing. And the things that happen to them, I can comfort them because I know they need me like I need them. We all love each other so much. I'm so glad that God uses bad situations to make me realize how thankful and grateful I am, and to make me realize how good I have it. Now I don't know if all my friends will read this. I know Lauren probably will, Tanner might. But doubtless of who will read this, I'm posting it anyway. Because it means something. And it's special. And it's a gift from God. And it's love.

This is Tanner. He's the crazy one of the bunch, or one of them. He's always willing to do something insane, and everyone's always happy when he's around. He's the happy aura. He is a loving and committed person. Even if you think he might give up on you, he never does. He'll never leave you alone. He doesn't let your appearance or your past get in the way of what he thinks about you, even though people often do it about him. He loves to help people. He hates my Nantucket lemonade that I love so much, but he buys it for me anyway. He loves pandas and unicorns and glass. His eyes change color depending on what he's wearing, what mood he's in, and what the weather's like. He makes people laugh and smile. He's the most creative and talented person I know. He's stubborn, and you can't make him see something. He has to see things on his own. But when he sees it,  he does something about it. He's passionate and extremely committed. He always gets what I'm saying, he always understands me. My favorite thing in the world is to paint or draw with him. He's gentle. He's inspiring. He's the best and most himself kind of different there could ever be. He is truly my best friend and makes my heart and soul complete.

As you probably know, this is Lauren. My older sister. She's also my best girl friend. We all call her Mama Bear. Whenever one of us is acting a little jerky, she straightens us out. Whenever someone else is hurting one of us, she goes into bear mode. She's passionate and sometimes a little OCD. She rarely wants to do anything risky, but lets us do it anyway, but tells us if we're going to get caught. She's practical and very academic. Most of all she reminds me of Hermione Granger. She's always loved giraffes and recently she's addicted to anything Hello Kitty. She always says either do something completely or not at all. She's really the whole meaning of a Gryffindor. She's musically inclined and she's writing more and more. We're really nothing alike. Sometimes I want to strangle her, and then later I'm reminded why I didn't.

This is Casie Ann. She's in college, and she's quite a bit older than me. She just turned twenty one during the summer. I always describe her as a true Hufflepuff. She loves to help people, and she can be pretty kick-butt when she wants to be. When she gets to laughing it makes you laugh, and when she gets to crying you wanna cry with her. She hates going to town alone, and she loves Dr. Pepper. She's a genius at the guitar, and I love it when she sings. We have the same taste in books, and we want to write one together about powered people. We love talking about drawing, and trying to perfect our skills together. She's an ASL major, and whenever she's a councilor at camp I always like being her student. She's really deep and thoughtful, and one of the most godly people I know. She's sweet and kind, and sometimes it's really frustrating. Because she's even sweet and kind to the people she doesn't like, which makes her really strong. I wouldn't change anything about Casie.

This is Hunter. I like to think of him as the jock in the group. He runs cross country and track, and he's really good at it. He's super ambitious and when he says he's going to do something, he will. It's weird but I always see Harry Potter in him, just his quiet coolness and his loyalty. He's the only one in our little group who wasn't around when we were younger. We met Tanner when we were around ten, but Hunter not until we were younger teenagers. But he fits in with us as if we knew each other since we were in diapers. He calls me his bro, and I call him my sis. We like to bicker and make fun of each other, but even though he can be quite sensitive, we never take it too seriously. He plays guitar, and he's awesome at magic tricks, and he's really, really terrified of bears.

This is Brad. He's a trouble maker. Well. We're all trouble makers. But Brad's just crazy. I've always looked up to Brad, even though sometimes we can butt heads. Me and him don't always have the same opinion on things, and sometimes I get so annoyed with him I just want to punch him in the face. But he's the perfect example of loving someone out of true friendship even though sometimes you don't always get along and don't always like what they do. He loves to figure out how to survive in the woods for long periods of time by himself, and build shelters out of branches and stuff. Brad has a certain comfortable quality about him that makes everyone just feel at home. He likes to play cards and do card tricks, and he taught himself how to play guitar. He's a super genius, he's extremely smart, amazing at any kind of mathematics, and he's really good with computers. He's also in college, and he's Casie's little brother. We have this handshake, even though it's not so secret.

I'm a trouble maker too, I must admit. I usually put the ideas in peoples heads. It was my idea to go swimming in our underwear at midnight. My idea to climb on the giant moose outside of The Outfitters when the employees weren't looking. My idea to sneak into the abandoned house on the corner of the street, which I'm hoping to convince them all to do this weekend... But even through my troublesome ideas, my friends still love me and have always been there for me. Last May all the people in my life kind of showed their true colors. And those guys ^^^ were always there, giving me what I needed and helping me through stuff. They weren't busy worrying about how they were hurt, or even worrying about me. The 20th of May was rough, and as soon as they all heard the first place they were at was me and Lauren's side. Not many people can say that. But these people above can. I'll always be there for them like they were there for me. I will always, always love them through thick and thin.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Oh my Merlin

Guys, I'm in the biggest crisis of my life right now. I am torn and I can't decide and I don't know what to do.
I don't know what to be for Halloween.
Halloween is the biggest deal ever! We live in such a small town (if you can even call it that, which, I don't think you even can) that whoever you go to around here for trick-or-treating, they give you more candy than necessary, because no one else goes to their house. It's a big deal. And at the youth group we always have a costume contest, and once me and Lauren won when we were Thing 1 and Thing 2.
So this year I'm debating on what to be. I should've started thinking about it earlier, but it's October 9th and I'm still at it. I think it would be cool to be someone from Harry Potter, but not like one of the Trio or something. I was thinking just a Quidditch player would be sweet. Mad-Eye Moody would be cool too, or Snape or Bellatrix. But the more I think of Quidditch player, the more I like that idea. But I'm open to legit suggestions too :)

Saturday, October 8, 2011


I'm trying to get my thoughts in order about what I was trying to communicate yesterday. About old friends that ditch you. I don't know, I feel like with this person it's always a competition. And it just makes me really frustrated, because this person wanted so bad to be with the "in" crowd of the homeschoolers. Like I know that sounds relatively harmless and a little ridiculous at the same time, and I'm going to admit to you, it's completely foolish to me. I've been over that kind of attention for a really long time. Maybe because I never had it so I learned to deal with it, and now it's evolved into an I-don't-really-care kind of thing, I'm above that kind of crap. This past year has been like that. It sounds really stupid, but Luna from Harry Potter made me realize that if I'm not going to be myself, even if that means I'm not with the cool people, then who will be? Luna made me realize that if I'm not in the "in" crowd, it doesn't really matter, and usually when you've finally let go of that kind of crap you realize that now you have surprisingly risen to being comfortable. You've risen from that. And I'm not going to lie to you, the fact that this "friend" is no longer my friend bothers me. Like I said, I'm better of without them. But that doesn't mean I don't wish we would've left each other on better terms.
I always have this it's-my-fault complex. I used to have really big issues with this cousin of mine, and whenever someone asked me what my deal was with her, I just couldn't answer. And then one day this past year at camp, the youth pastor said, Whatever someone else has done is not your problem. If you can't forgive them for something, remind yourself that whatever they did in general is not your fault, and you can't be responsible for their actions. And it hit me. I am holding myself responsible for everything this cousin has done. And it sounds so...stupid. Every person she's slept with, every lie she's ever spread, every person's feelings she's ever smashed, has nothing. To do. With me. I used to hold her in such high regards, she was like, the ultimate. When I was a little kid I always thought, I wish I had a friend like her. My cousin. She's so cool. And I guess I took it personally all the bad things she's done and never apologized for. And I hurt because of it. I have to remind myself it has absolutely nothing to do with me. Yes, she is still not my favorite person in the world. I'll avoid her if I have to, but if I can't, I can try to be nice and not talk about how stupid she was later. I don't feel resentment or bitter towards her anymore. Everything about her, is not my responsibility. She. Is not my responsibility.
And, back to the first person I was talking about, I still have to make those steps with that person. It's not my responsibility. She is not my responsibility. She did all she could to make it to the top, to be best friends with the "in" crowd, and she did. Boy, she did. She did anything to make it happen. Even ditch the people she was currently best friends with. She hurt feelings. She caused confusion. Honestly, she made it so one of my friends that I knew since we were literally in diapers, no longer talks to me. She's a hypocrite, and if I see all the wrong things in her now, then I shouldn't be her friend anyway. Friends don't pick out all the wrong things with each other. And if they do, they love them despite their flaws anyway. And if I still don't like her after all that's transpired, how am I fit to be her friend if I can't love her despite it? Maybe we're not meant to be friends. Well, I guess that's kind of obvious. I'm not responsible for anything about her. I don't know her anymore. I'm not sure I ever did.
I'm not a very competitive person, well, in some cases. But I feel like everything I do, she tries to make it into a competition and she always beats me at it. I don't want it to be a competition, I don't want to feel beaten in a friendship. I felt so at home when I was at her house, I liked her family, but looking back I wonder if she influenced me when I shouldn't have let her. The friends I have are comfortable with themselves and are comfortable with me, and even though we do stupid things to each other sometimes, we always go back to the loving people that we are at heart. I know this girl isn't really as horrible as I see her, and to her friends she must be golden. But I don't think she was ever golden to me, and I don't think I ever saw her as my friend, looking back. I was trying to convince myself, in the hope that I could have a new friend. But then I realize, why do I need new friends when the ones I have now are so great. At the time I wasn't content with the people I had, and I'll never make that mistake again.

Friday, October 7, 2011


I've realized that because I'm always behind the camera, I have no pictures of me. Like, anywhere. And I guess there's nothing wrong with that, I just feel like this blog... I dunno. It should have some.

My doggy. I feel like I never post pictures of my doggy on here. Not because I don't love her, because she is in fact, my buddy, but because she's completely camera shy. She must know what the camera does. Her name is Sophie, she's a full sized collie. She recently got a haircut cause she likes to run in the horse pasture and there's usually lots of burs there.
I also want to see that new movie that came out today. Real Steel. I like Hugh Jackman and everything, but I'll always know him as Wolverine. So that's not really the reason I want to see it. I honestly have never seen a movie that looks like this. It just looks really original, I'm excited to see it.
And have I ever told you guys about my love for National Geographic? My ultimate dream is to go to Kendall Art School in Grand Rapids for photography and then working for National Geographic. They pay for everything, and send you everywhere.
I also just found out that one of Lauren's old friends from school just had her twin baby girls. I'm so happy for her and her boyfriend!
I also have been thinking a lot lately about friends when they change. I'm really happy to have the friends I have and I wouldn't have it any other way. But what about the ones I've lost? The ones that I should be glad that aren't my friends anymore, because if they were friends at all they wouldn't have been so...ready to not be. And ultimately, that is how I feel. I'm better off without them. I see that. But... How can they just move on like they don't care? I'm trying to get my thoughts in order. I just, I dunno, sometimes I just wonder if when people diss their "friends" like that and then don't when no one else is around, I seriously wonder if they think that's okay. Or that their excuse is good enough. Like, they hurt someone. And it makes me wonder if they know they did it and don't care, or are just totally off it and don't get it, or do they actually feel bad at all. And really this big talk doesn't amount to anything because I can't get my thoughts in order at all. I just, whenever I think about it or see this person on other friends' facebook, I always get this sinking feeling.
Tomorrow I have my first family portraits date. My dad's older sister, her oldest daughter is married and has two little boys. Jaimee and Brian, and they're two little boys Isaac and Micah. I do believe Isaac was on one of my posts about future generations. He's blonde with blue eyes and super cute. I'm doing their pictures at the beach and then at the pumpkin barn. I'm actually super nervous cause the portraits I usually take are like senior pictures and weddings. I've never actually taken official pictures of little kids. So I'm hoping to just roll with it, whatever makes little Isaac happy and leaves him smiling I'll go with. I'm really just leaving it up to whatever he does. I'm hoping it all goes well!
FYI, I also have a pinterest now! I dunno, can I post links? I'll try: . I think that'll work? If not, I'm under Scarlett Noelle.
Now I think I'm off, I have a date with my wooden Aristotle!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

If, if, if.

I had never thought of this in my life. Sirius is arrogant and moody; sometimes hypocritical, unreasonable, and a little childish; he's reckless, and I always thought he was quite bitter. And these reasons, and more, are exactly why Sirius Black is my all-time favorite character. I totally understand that people do NOT like him for these same reasons, and I have nothing against them at all because I can see how aspects in a person's personality can annoy some people and other people, like myself, can recognize that in themselves. I respect him because I know if I were put in his place I could never keep my sanity after having such a bad reputation, having people misunderstand me so much, because of something I didn't do. I also know that if by some reason I did live through all that, I'd pretty much have the same attitude as him. I also think he's the most loyal person in all the books. Draco is arrogant and cocky; hypocritical and, well, "racist" for lack of a better word; he's messed up and troubled; sometimes bitter; quite reckless when he wants to prove something; a little childish; and I always saw him as somewhat cowardly. Draco is not my favorite character, but he's on the top five list. I always felt like I could relate to him, majorly. And looking at it, this confession is like, totally right. If Sirius had never made friends with James, he would've been like Draco. If Draco had ever made friends with Harry, maybe he could've learned loyalty and strength like Sirius did. I'm not saying I wish it would've happened. I think the "what if's" in books make them that much better.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


Today before we went to Hunter's track meet Lauren had to go to the bank, so me and Brad hung out at the park and took jumping pictures all over. I had a good time, but I'm not going to lie, I really sincerely wished that Tanner could've been there. But my cute boy (although quite rebellious at times, which isn't wrong) couldn't come because of family issues. I missed him a whole lot, and I can't even begin to say how much I sincerely felt off because he just wasn't there, his presence was missing.

Lauren and Brad decided they are fish now.

Hey, look, its a two horned magical unicorn.

Thaaat Lauren seems to be frightened of, judging by the look on her face.

She can also fit in the little kid swing.

I did, however, see my dearest Tanner today at youth. I really, really, really missed him. I cannot even begin to explain to you how much he means to me. He took this picture of me.
Facebook is acting like a load of crap. It won't let me look at pictures, my messages, and it will only load my chat bar when I'm at the "Account Settings" page. And for a week I'd been kind of relying on facebook because I had no minutes on my phone. Thankfully, I do now.
And I'm already 111 pages into The Son of Neptune. Percy lost his memory, but he remembers Annabeth. Which was like *do a dance, woohoo, woohoo.* But then he meets someone from his camp (i won't spoil and say who) and I was like oh he's gonna recognize them! yes! But then he's like "Hi, I'm Percy." And I'm like nooooooo! There's already been a lot of twists 111 pages in, so I'm sure the rest of it will be pretty good. I really hope he gets back to Camp Half-blood before the end of the book though. I think that would be really sweet.
P.S. If my dearest Tanner is reading, I has a message for him: I am so very proud of you and always will be. Third stall. "I can't carry it for you, but I can carry you." 
P.P.S. I'm really really saddened I don't have a picture of Tanner from today :((( What happened to that? Now I have an excuse to invite him over sometime. I need a picture of him. He did look quite dashing today, with his little grey scarf.