
Thursday, November 17, 2011

Okay, guys, I'm telling you right now to get up off your freaking butts, go to a freaking Wal-Mart right now and go freaking buy Dragon Gift of the Night Fury. It's freaking AMAZING. I'm just shocked and amazed it was so freaking good. It's not like a sequel to How To Train Your Dragon, it's just like a freaking epic little half hour Christmas special. I watched it on youtube, but just now when I went to watch it again (yes. that freaking good) youtube had it deleted off cause of copyright issues. But now I totally and completely want to go out and freaking buy the thing because it was SO FREAKING GOOD. I am not going to spoil how epic it was by telling you what it was about. But I'll give you a hint: BABY DRAGONS and CHRISTMAS. 

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