
Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Finds Life in Death and Fears No Evil

Big family day at the beach. First is adorable little Bailey. Second is her older brother Corbin, that picture makes me laugh and laugh. He is so freaking adorable. I said "Hey Corbin look at the camera!" And he gives me this humungous smile and goes "Cheese!" Aaaaa-dorable. Last, me at the beach doing my natural thing. Sketching. Didn't take that picture, btw. Other two I did.

I'm starting to think I majorly scared people away with my rant about Charles Xavier. I feel like I totally got sent back to the little kid's table because you all found out I'm a huge comic book geek in every single way. Well, I guess it was bound to happen sometime. What I'm trying to say:
COMMENT. -Or else I don't know you're out there.-
Anyway, I'm here to tell you I'm going to an all weekend concert starting tomorrow. And I shall not be back till Sunday. And I'll probably spend Sunday sleeping all day. So, I'm not dead, I'll be back, and please remind me all that everyone's still living out there. Or else I'll be forced to think there was an internet apocalypse.

1 comment:

  1. Don't worry, no internet apocalypse yet! We're still all here reading your amazing blog, and loving all of your awesome pictures. The concert sounds like a lot of fun! And don't worry...You're a comic book geek, I'm a total and utter Harry Potter geek. So. ;)
