
Saturday, May 28, 2011

Little Bit O' Today.

I have a newfound respect for Lady GaGa. I just watched like, the last half of this interview about her on MTV. I'll be looking out for it again, because I really want to watch the first half too. I feel as if there's something just a little weird and maybe a little off about her, but I secretly respect her a little. First off, she's genius with her creative ideas. Secondly, she's just so herself. I feel like that the persona of Lady GaGa is honestly what Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta is. She isn't afraid to be herself. She said on this interview: "I define my beauty." And I really like that. No one should be what everyone else's definition of beauty is. Everyone should be what they themselves defines as beauty. And honestly, I never thought Lady GaGa was beautiful until she said that. Despite her utter weirdness and oddities, she's quite pretty in her own way. She has beautiful big eyes that I'd kill for. She's Italian. Her lips are extraordinary, and her face is long. I feel like everyone should define their own beauty and be heard.
I'm really confused by people that don't want to be hurt so they hurt other people. I dunno. I'm just confused by that.
Also, I love British accents. My cousin's boyfriend is from England and he's up for the summer, and today was the first time we actually held a conversation. And it makes me want them to be together forever even more, because our first actual conversation was about Harry Potter! First off, that's awesome because, obviously, Harry Potter is awesome. But it was mostly awesome because Harry Potter is British, and Felix is British, so it just made it like...just wicked. Haha, I dunno. It was just sweet. He's a pretty cool guy.
I really don't like the woman that plays Umbridge in Harry Potter. It might be because it's Umbridge's character, but I'm watching her in this awesome other movie and she's hideous too. I know she's not her character, but she makes me want to shoot her.
I had a really good day with my beautiful blue eyed cousin from last post who took me to breakfast. She slept over last night, and we watched Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets AND Prisoner of Azkaban (SIRIUS! My favorite! That move is so good! I feel like in PoA Daniel Radcliffe is the most like the book Harry Potter) until 2 in the morning. Then in the afternoon we went to a parade and hung out in the citaaaay until 5, and then we got her new goldfish that our friend Hunter won at the carnival, and put them in a giant jar. And then we went to this mini concert thing. And then we went to her house and hung out and made toast a bunch. It was a nice day. I hung out a lot with my boyy too. It was a nice day.

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