
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Mad Alchemist.

Hey look! It's the iconic magical peacock!
And that lemonade, yeah, I've had two of those today. I'm kind of in love. Usually in the summer Mountain Dew is all I drink, but I think this summer I'll have to buy two drinks every store-before-beach run.
My newwwwies! My new Converse. For freeeeee. It's all good when it's free. They're like, brand new, and I got them for free. It's all cool.
By the way. I totally look like a mad scientist ready to blow more things up. But that's okay. Because mad scientists are cool like that.
Some people need to be high fived in the face with a chair.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Little Bit O' Today.

I have a newfound respect for Lady GaGa. I just watched like, the last half of this interview about her on MTV. I'll be looking out for it again, because I really want to watch the first half too. I feel as if there's something just a little weird and maybe a little off about her, but I secretly respect her a little. First off, she's genius with her creative ideas. Secondly, she's just so herself. I feel like that the persona of Lady GaGa is honestly what Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta is. She isn't afraid to be herself. She said on this interview: "I define my beauty." And I really like that. No one should be what everyone else's definition of beauty is. Everyone should be what they themselves defines as beauty. And honestly, I never thought Lady GaGa was beautiful until she said that. Despite her utter weirdness and oddities, she's quite pretty in her own way. She has beautiful big eyes that I'd kill for. She's Italian. Her lips are extraordinary, and her face is long. I feel like everyone should define their own beauty and be heard.
I'm really confused by people that don't want to be hurt so they hurt other people. I dunno. I'm just confused by that.
Also, I love British accents. My cousin's boyfriend is from England and he's up for the summer, and today was the first time we actually held a conversation. And it makes me want them to be together forever even more, because our first actual conversation was about Harry Potter! First off, that's awesome because, obviously, Harry Potter is awesome. But it was mostly awesome because Harry Potter is British, and Felix is British, so it just made it like...just wicked. Haha, I dunno. It was just sweet. He's a pretty cool guy.
I really don't like the woman that plays Umbridge in Harry Potter. It might be because it's Umbridge's character, but I'm watching her in this awesome other movie and she's hideous too. I know she's not her character, but she makes me want to shoot her.
I had a really good day with my beautiful blue eyed cousin from last post who took me to breakfast. She slept over last night, and we watched Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets AND Prisoner of Azkaban (SIRIUS! My favorite! That move is so good! I feel like in PoA Daniel Radcliffe is the most like the book Harry Potter) until 2 in the morning. Then in the afternoon we went to a parade and hung out in the citaaaay until 5, and then we got her new goldfish that our friend Hunter won at the carnival, and put them in a giant jar. And then we went to this mini concert thing. And then we went to her house and hung out and made toast a bunch. It was a nice day. I hung out a lot with my boyy too. It was a nice day.

Friday, May 27, 2011


Wednesday night's sunset, breakfast out, and such.


My beautiful blue eyed cousin.

Spiffy glasses and OJ!

Cousin Brad acting goofy.

The cafe we had breakfast at. We call it the Chicken Place. Guess why?

And now I leave to watch Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Join The Rabbit Club.

Hey peeps! I'm here to bring you a picture of my new wicked glasses! My little sister is calling me Velma now, like from Scooby Doo. I feel so educated, man!
I dig it!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


Hedwig's Theme.

The Harry Potter theme song is like, the highest of epic, amirite? Ah-totally.
It's going on my iPod and I will wake up to it every morning.

Monday, May 23, 2011

We might as well be living in a different world.

Today's one of those days where I'm like, screw this, have a nice life, I'm out. Not really a good day at all. Maybe later I'll try to draw it off...
So. Anyway. In my about me it says I like trinkets. Well, buttons are trinkets, right? I love buttons. I like the way they feel, and pretty buttons are just as good as ugly ones. So I got some new buttons yesterday. The pictures of my favorite buttons were taken really late at night, on my living room floor, so that explains some of the fuzziness. I use the buttons to make jewelry, btw. There's clouds from yesterday and rain drops from today. The picture of the colored hair is the Sharpie colors I put in it yesterday. My cat acting silly, my doggy's pretty eyelashes. Part of a sketch from Friday, kinda proud of it since it ended up looking proportioned and right, while I didn't have any refrence or anything. I'm getting better.

Kiiiiind of a picture overload.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

But Stevie Wonder, Love Is Blind.

So I watch your life in pictures like I used to watch you sleep. And I feel you forget me like I used to feel you breathe.
I actually don't like that song very much because it's extremely depressing, but I super like that line. Anyway, these are old pictures that I never edited from the junkyard. But I was thinking about Bugs (the cars, duh) a lot today, for some reason. So I guess just a taste of what's in my head today.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Ringing. Ever So Ringing.

The ultimate jealousy. He's a good mate, that Ron is.
Okay, now I'm going to teach you all a little word I constantly use in my head. I don't use it out loud, for fear of being booted out of the big kid's party. And I just got in there. But they still don't talk to me, because I'm still mentally subnormal. So this word is. NOVELISTIC. I have no idea if it, in fact, is a real word. But I'm so attached to stories and myths and novels and books of any kind that no matter how hard I try I cannot not think "Oh, that's novelistic." It basically means (in my head anyway) that something is so inspirational that it could be in a book. Or that it reminds me of something from a book. Or it's so magical it could be in a myth. I guess, it just has a certain ring to it that could be put into a story. Like for instance, that picture up there is so...novelistic. I just can't think of a different word! It just. It explains everything for me.
Speaking of weirdness, I went to the library today to give back Harry Potter and the Order of the Pheonix, which like, was totally sad because that's my favorite one, it's like, so emotional. Did I say like enough? Totally. Anyway, so I go in there and I set the book on the counter and say to the librarian, "And I give back to you this book." And I seriously think I read wayyyy to much, that I'm starting to speak like novelistic characters. Will I stop? Never.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Everything's Magic.

I was told today that I need to take up singing. Told. That I need to. And if you know me well at all, you'll already know what the problem is. See, I don't take up those words easily. I do what I want, how I want. I work things out myself. I'm a bit of a loner. I'm a very rebellious and independent child. When it comes to hobbies, ways to do things, interests, stuff like that, no one tells me what to do. I can do it very much on my own, thank you. I'm very capable. Because God gave me two hands and two feet and I'm pretty sure I have a brain as well. I'm doing what I want, how I want. Also, if you know me well at all, you also know I quite distance myself from anything musical. People have said in the past I'm musically inclined, but I have no wish whatsoever to learn any dumb instrument or how to learn to sing freaking harmony. I don't care about it. Simple as that. My mother seems to think I won't sing because of what someone said when I was like, twelve. This, however, is not true. The truth is that I never want to do anything without passion. I find the idea inconceivable. It would be like the rain falling without the grass getting greener afterwards. It's like doing something but never getting the satisfaction. Because, really, truly, I would never sing just because that one person told me I need to. I shouldn't be singing for that person. I should be singing for myself and for the enjoyment, the happiness, I feel in the world when I'm singing. But I don't. I simply don't. It's not like I don't listen to music and dance around the kitchen with Don't You Want Me blasted to the loudest. Because frankly, music does inspire me sometimes and I really do love my loud music. But when I'm upset, I don't go to my iPod. I go to my sketch book. When I'm sketching or making some kind of art, I feel that enjoyment and happiness in the world. Like finally I can see something clear, and maybe just maybe those pieces will fall into place and I can catch up to where I lost count of how many times the world kept spinning. And then when the piece is done, I look at it and I just can't stop because it makes me so happy. It makes me want to look at my hands all day long and just think "Wow. I made that, I took that pencil and that wacky lead and I made something with it with these hands. I created something with it. I made it something special." It makes me totally understand how after God made the world and the Bible always says "and he was glad with it", it makes me totally understand in what way he was glad with it. He created the world. I created that picture, and it makes me so blissfully content that you don't even know. Or maybe you do, I dunno. It makes me so glad with it. And I don't do it because that one person once said a long time ago that I have a talent. I do it for myself. I do it because it makes ME happy, it makes ME understand this complex world. Or maybe is it just a simple one?

And that's one of my artworks, loyal fans. Just a girl. Filled with emotion, it seems. But that makes all the difference in the world.

Bailey, Corbin, and sweet Tanner.

Yo, peepizzles. After this is a lengthy post I've been thinking about alot lately. Get your waders on, cause it's deep. ;)

Lauren, and one of the prettiest babies I have ever seen. She has the longest eyelashes and her eyes remind me of lightning, and we all think she's gonna be a redhead. Which makes her 90 % more adorable. Her name is Bailey.

Plus, Bailey's big brother, Corbin, is... Like there aren't even words to describe Corby. He's a redhead and he says he has a crush on me and today it was the sweetest thing ever, he looks at me and says "I'm going to make a big sand castle for you." And then proceeds to make me a sand castle with a garage for his toy cars. Then he says in his cute little quivery voice, "You. . . You're a pretty girl." And then I ruffled his hair and said "You're a really cute kid." And I hope my kids someday will be as perfect as him, as sweet and thoughtful and intelligent.

The boy in the last picture drew this on my arm. I plan to get tattoos someday, and I'm seriously thinking about getting this done on my forearm. So he put it in markers there. I love it.

This boy inspires me all the time. He's always himself. Even if sometimes he's a big baby. I just wanna teach him everything I know, and make life a little easier on him, maybe?